Tax Forms Legal Forms Disclaimer
In an effort to make it easier for our community to find useful forms, we have collected some resources related to forms including legal and tax.
Resources that say they are part of GALILEO require a PINES library card and PIN/password to access from home. PINES library cards are free for residents of Georgia. Register for PINES online.
Tax Forms
Please note, library staff is unable to select or fill out tax forms or any other forms or offer any tax advice. Adobe Acrobat Reader is required for tax forms – make sure to uncheck the ‘optional’ programs when downloading.
Legal Forms |
Please note, library staff is unable to select or fill out forms or offer any legal advice. | |||
Gale LegalForms | Many popular forms tailored for Georgia residents that can be filled out using a word processor or printed and filled out; requires PINES library card and PIN/password. | ||
Southern Judicial Circuit | Divorce forms and instructions to be filled out by hand |
The external links on this page are provided for convenience and informational purposes. Northwest Georgia Regional Library System neither supports nor opposes points of view of the third-party websites on our resource pages. While we do our best to ensure the websites are functioning, safe, and appropriate for all ages at time of listing, we bear no responsibility for the accuracy, legality or content of the external site or for that of subsequent links.