May. 13, 2019

SRC 2019: Tweens & Teens (6th – 12th Grade)

Teens in space, reading and listening to books. Copyright 2019 CSLP.


Registration opens on May 28th, 2019 and closes June 28th, 2019. Register online at home or at the library. After registering, pick up your reading packet, calendar, and more at the library you registered at.

Register a Tween/Teen

Summer Reading Challenge Rules

6th – 12th Grade

  1. Record the time your child reads in the reading log provided; this includes reading alone or reading to someone. Write it down in 30-minute increments. If you run out of space, ask for a new log.
  2. To complete the challenge, you must read at least 1,470 minutes (24.5 hours) by July 22nd.
  3. Once you complete the challenge, turn in your reading logs to be entered into the grand prize drawing. You can start turning in logs on July 1st. The last day to turn in reading logs is July 22nd.
  4. Everyone who completes the challenge gets a certificate and their name in the grand prize drawing to be held at the end of summer reading.
    • Like something you read? Tell us more on the provided book review form to possibly be featured on our website or social media and to be entered into an additional prize drawing.

Take the summer reading survey!

Don’t forget to take the LSTA Survey for Summer Reading 2019 — this helps libraries get funding for the summer reading events through state and federal programs.

Library Events

Each of our libraries will have events for tweens and teens.

Dalton-Whitfield County Public Library

Calhoun-Gordon County Public Library

Pre-registration is required for all tween and teen events.

Tween Events / 4th – 5th Grade

Middle School Events

High School Events

Chatsworth- Murray County Public Library

Ending Celebrations

Summer Reading Program Awards Party

Join us for crafts, fun, awards and prizes! Come to the Court House lawn across from the Chatsworth-Murray County Public Library. This is only available to participants from the Chatsworth-Murray County Public Library.

  • Friday, July 26th @ 3:45 pm – 4:30 pm – Chatsworth-Murray County Library.

End of Summer Reading Lock-In

Open to Dalton and Whitfield tweens and teens who complete the Summer Reading Challenge. Permission slips will be required.

  • Saturday, August 3rd @ 1:30 pm – 5:30 pm – Dalton-Whitfield County Public Library


Betsy P.
Northwest Georgia Regional Library System
Hours Get Library Card PINES