Library Renovations

Empty shelves and chairs in the old Chatsworth location.
Moving – The shelves at the old Chatsworth location are all empty and waiting for the renovation.

Dalton-Whitfield County Public Library

Phase two of our renovations includes a new roof and a reading patio. Funding comes from SPLOST and state building grants. We will post photos when the renovation begins.

Current Stage: As of March 2019, roof construction is completed with the reading patio phase still being planned.


Calhoun-Gordon County Public Library

We will be renovating our history room in order to make it more useful and more inviting. Funding comes from state building grants, donations, and other local funding agencies. We will post photos when the renovation begins. During the construction phase, some genealogical materials will not be available.

Current Stage: As of July 2019, construction has begun.


Chatsworth-Murray County Public Library

The largest of our three renovation projects, the Chatsworth-Murray building will be completely renovated. This renovation will include a reading patio, a new teen space, study rooms, and more. Funding comes from state building grants and local funding agencies. See below for some photos of the move from the old location to the temporary space.

Current Stage: As of July 2019, we are in the construction phase. See photos below!

Thank you for bearing with us while we were moving, and we hope you can pardon our dust!


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